We invite you to join us in sponsoring BIS’s Annual Export Regulation Course located in Costa Mesa, CA. This important annual event is attended by large and small exporters eager to learn about all types of support services to help stream-line and advance their export compliance and logistics operations.
Your company won’t want miss the opportunity to be seen as an event sponsor on all marketing materials and in face to face contact with attendees. The event flyer will be emailed to over 20,000 potential attendees from now to the event date.
Table Top Display Sponsor: $950
Table Sponsors will be accorded the following benefits:
- One table prominently placed around the entrance to the seminar
- Recognition during the opening of the program
- Company logo will be shown on marketing materials emailed to potential attendees
- Company logos displayed on the screens during breaks
- One free admission to the seminar
Contact Karen Scuncio if you are interested in exhibiting.
Karen Scuncio, WITOC
Tel: 949.851.1888